Following a consultation with its members, ESB events will now be largely via Zoom, except for one lecture in the summer and one in the early autumn that will be ‘in person’ at the University of Bristol.
Attendance for Members is free, and they will automatically receive links at least a week before each lecture takes place. All members of Bristol University may attend for free, and should request links for Zoom meeting by e-mailing
All lectures begin at 18:45, except where otherwise noted.
Tickets for non-members (£4.00 per person) will be made available via Eventbrite on the same timescale.
Tue 11 March 2025.
At 18:45 – Zoom lecture, From the Nile to the Don: Exploring the Egyptian Collection at the University of Aberdeen
- Abeer Eladany, University of Aberdeen
Tue 15 April 2025. Zoom lecture: Leather Working in New Kingdom Egypt
- Andre J. Veldmeijer, American University in Cairo
Tue 13 May 2025. In-person lecture: title TBC
- Dr Marina Escolano-Poveda, University of Liverpool
Tue 1 July 2025. Zoom lecture, title TBC
- Prof Kara Cooney, University of California at Los Angeles
Tue 9 September 2025. Zoom lecture, title TBC
- Dr Roberta Mazza, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna
Tue 21 October 2025. IN PERSON lecture, Recording ancient Egypt: drawings, watercolours and squeezes from the Griffith Institute
- Dr Daniela Rosenow, Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
Tue 2 December 2025. Zoom lecture, title TBC
- Dr Larry Berman, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tue 13 January 2026. Zoom lecture: Tomb Security in Ancient Egypt II: from the Great Pyramid to the Persian Period.
- Dr Reg Clark
Tue 19 May 2026. In-person lecture, title TBC
- Dr Luigi Prada, Uppsala University.